Why Hemera?

For my alias, I wanted to use the name of a Greek goddess, because they tend to have really pretty names. Aphrodite is way too played out, though. Persephone would have been a weird choice, I think. There were a lot of options, but the obvious choices have been used all over the place, and I wanna stand out. I settled on Hemera.

Hemera is the goddess of daylight, and the child of Helios. It doesn't seem that she had or has much of a following, but there was apparently a shrine built for her and Helios on the island of Kos at one point.

I liked the sound of her name, and I liked that she was a lesser known goddess, so I chose her name.

Mari is a pseudonym as well, by the way. You can guess by my profile picture where I got the inspiration for that one. I don't use my real name anywhere online unless it's absolutely necessary.